10 Tips For Maintaining A Clean Vehicle

Keeping a car clean is something that most people tend to forget about because they find the whole task very time-consuming and boring.   They will say that they don’t have the right equipment or products to clean their car with.  Most of us actually tend only to put it through a car wash or use a jet spray when the car becomes really dirty.

However, if you were to spend just a little time every few weeks cleaning your car it could make a big difference.  You may find that it actually runs more efficiently as well as also smelling and looking nicer. Plus, when the time comes to sell it you may find you achieve a better price.  Here are 10 tips for maintaining a clean vehicle that you may find useful.

Maintaining A Clean Vehicle

Tip 2 – Polish Your Dashboard

This may seem such a simple task to carry out but can make a big difference.  Remember you want the dashboard to be free of dust, but you don’t want it to be too shiny.   By removing the dust from the dashboard, you are helping to reduce the amount that gets into the air conditioning system of your car.

You could, of course, use a costly specialist dashboard-cleaning product, but there is a much more cost-effective way of keeping it in good condition.  All you need is a soft cloth and some olive oil.   Just apply some olive oil on to the cloth then wipe it over your car’s dashboard.  Not only will it look nice and clean, but will add a pleasant smell as well.

dashboard cleaning

Tip 3 – Schedule Frequent Car Washes

Each day your car is subjected to different things that can eat away at the paint or metal.  If you don’t schedule frequent car washes then over time the elements will cause corrosion to the car.

You should look at washing your car at least every couple of weeks, so no dirt, mud or other things that can prove harmful to your vehicle are able to build up on it.  You can, of course, wash it at home, but you can also take it to your local car wash as well.

Vardens Fleet Washing Services

Tip 4 – Take Care Of External Cosmetic Repairs

If you fail to repair any scratches or dents to your car then over time this can lead to the damage becoming far worse. To carry out repairs to scratches you will need a good quality polish, some paintwork restorer, a small brush and some fine grit sandpaper.  You may want to think of investing in a touch-up kit that all good car accessory stores stock.

Tip 5 – Don’t Forget To Clean Your Hubcaps

You will be amazed just what a difference having clean hubcaps makes.  Cleaning them is very easy all you need is a little washing up powder and some warm/hot water.  Mix them together so they form a paste and apply to the hubcaps using a toothbrush.

Tip 6 – Be Sure To Dust Air Vents

Air vents in a car have a real habit of collecting dust over time, which can cause problems to the air con system.  To remove the dust you just need to brush in between the gated area using an old paintbrush or a foam art brush.  You may even find using a hoover helps to remove any dust that has built up in the air vents.

Tip 7 – Wax Your Tyres

Tyre wax doesn’t only help to make them look like new, but also will provide protection against the elements and any contamination on the roads, such as salt used in winter.   You should look at applying tyre wax every couple of months and also after the vehicle has been washed.

Tip 8 – Pop The Bonnet On Your Car And Clean Battery Corrosion

If left corrosion on a car battery can spread to the inside of the unit and lead to it dying a lot sooner, therefore it does pay to keep it clean.  Before you clean the battery, make sure that the engine is turned off.  Then loosen the terminals slightly before applying a solution with a brush to remove any corrosion.  Rinse and then leave to dry before you retighten the terminals.

Tip 9 – Clean Your Windows Weekly

It is important that you clean the windows on your car both inside and out.  Any build up of dirt on them will hamper your view as you drive and can lead to an accident.   You don’t need to use anything special just some warm water in which you’ve added a little vinegar will work great.   At the same time don’t forget to check your windscreen wipers, and replace if necessary.

Tip 10 – Choose An Air Freshener You Love

There are various different kinds of car air fresheners now available.  Choose one depending on the size of your car.  For smaller cars the cardboard kind that hangs from the mirror is great or you can choose to get a vent stick.  For larger cars, a plug-in car freshener would prove a far better option.

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